God’s unfathomable grace and mercy

It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. Romans 9:16

God’s grace and mercy exist beyond what any human words could ever describe. How do we know? He changes our hearts. He shows us something different than we could ever do for ourselves.

Though we cannot fathom the depth and scope of his unearned favor, we can for sure know the evidence of it in our daily lives. God’s mighty grace and mercy are beyond any kind of human understanding we could ever use to make sense of it.

It is something God pours into our lives out of His own initiative, out of who He is.

We may not always notice it, and changes in our ways may seem to come slower than we would like. But God’s love and the way He does things, the way He deals with us is always present, always active.

He is working on affecting our ways, influencing us how we are reachable. Picking us up off of the ground, He helps us walk in what He designed grace to do for us, in the meaning of taking another step in what defines who He is as the one, true, living God who is not us – but Someone with the power to do anything – to change anything – to make the difference in us that is impossible by the influential hands or words of any human creation He has made.

It is done not by our will or desire but as He says, His salvation does not depend on man’s desire or will, but on God’s mercy.

This is our testimony. This is an undeniable reality. This is God making a way where there is no way. His grace and mercy are beyond reason, changing the very hearts and minds – and then the actions – of men.
